FirmCatalyst » Über FirmCatalyst

Über FirmCatalyst

Nils Cartsburg hat FirmCatalyst mit dem Ziel gegründet, sich mit guter Qualität, Transparenz und messbaren Erfolgen bei der Suchmaschinenoptimierung von der Masse der oft zurecht in Verruf geratenen SEO-Konkurrenz abzuheben und durchzusetzen.

Die Kunst der Suchmaschinenoptimierung bildet den Kern unserer Expertise. Wenn wir eine Online-Marketing-Strategie für unsere Kunden entwickeln, gehen wir über die traditionellen Ansätze hinaus und schöpfen dabei aus mehr als einem Jahrzehnt Erfahrung im Online-Marketing.

Unsere Philosophie ist es, aus mehreren Perspektiven zu denken und zu handeln. Mit einem Team aus verschiedenen Disziplinen und Berufen arbeiten wir daran, nachhaltige, mehrdimensionale Konzepte für unsere Kunden zu erstellen. Damit gehen wir über die Grenzen der herkömmlichen SEO-Beratung hinaus.

All diese Maßnahmen binden wir in Ihr Gesamtkonzept ein und verfolgen dabei ein konsequentes Ziel: Die Performance und Konversionsrate der Kunden-Website signifikant zu unterstützen, sodass Steigerungen im Gesamtgeschäfts- und Kundenkontakt realisiert werden.

Geschäftsführer von Firmcatalyst Nils Cartsburg
Nils Cartsburg
SEO-Experte, CEO & Founder

Unser Team

Der Firmengründer Nils Cartsburg, der seit 2009 eine Fülle von Erfahrungen im Online-Marketing und in der Suchmaschinenoptimierung gesammelt hat, hat ein Team aufgebaut, das seine tiefe Leidenschaft für die Suchmaschinenoptimierung und das Bestreben, den Kunden die bestmöglichen Ergebnisse zu liefern, teilt.

Aude Jamier
Teammitglied von Firmcatalyst Ilona Frank
Ilona Frank
Assistenz der Geschäftführung
Konstantin Nowotny Projektmanagement und Design
Konstantin Nowotny
Projektmanagement & Design
Anne-Kathrin Müller
Operations Management
Melanie Nickl
SEO / Content Management
Saskia Gerke
BackOffice / Administration
Vadim Volkov Web Developer
Vadim Volkov
Web Development
Sittitsak Jiampotjaman Web Development
Sittitsak Jiampotjaman
Web Development
Julia Zamaitat
Web Development
Anya Gnatovskaya
Grafik Design

FirmCatalyst Reviews

Riccardo Vittoria 17.07.2020

We have been working with Nils and his team for over four years and their SEO consultation services have made a tremendous impact on our bottom line. Our company ranks highly for the topmost competitive keywords in the business travel industry, and, to our surprise, beats many of the larger and more traditional players in the market. Thanks to our excellent rankings we have a steady influx of organic user signups. Therefore, we highly recommend FirmCatalyst as a long term SEO partner.

At the very outset of our partnership, the FirmCatalyst team initiated a series of consultations from which we compiled a number of practical, easily applicable action items that  produced  immediate, positive results. The team also took care of redesigning our website for maximum SEO gains. We not only observed a sharp increase in website traffic, but also an improvement in traffic quality. Visitors were more accurately targeted, which in turn led to a spike in superior leads generated directly through our website. The initial results spoke for themselves and it quickly became apparent to us that FirmCatalyst was the right SEO partner to work with on a long term basis. Since then they have continued to exceed our expectations at every turn.

Partnering with FirmCatalyst has been a professional success as well as a pleasurable, personable experience. The team is responsive, friendly and shows great initiative. Most importantly, they have repeatedly demonstrated to us that they truly care about their clients’ success. We look forward to continuing our partnership with FirmCatalyst well into the future.

Julius Hagen 16.01.2020

Our goal was to create an online portal that provides extensive real estate knowledge and is always transparent and clear for consumers. When we founded the company, it was already clear to us that we would like to build our portal with the help of an SEO agency.

We were very well helped with the choice of name and the procurement of the domain. FirmCatalyst has helped us with the development of a content strategy, the construction and structuring of our website and with many related problems. With individual strategies, we were able to gain a foothold in a competitive market and hold our own at Google.

FirmCatalyst is our SEO agency of choice and has made it easy for us to find people online.
We would like to thank FirmCatalyst for the active support and can recommend the SEO advice with a clear conscience!

Christine Voslamber 21.11.2019

We have been working successfully with FirmCatalyst for many years. Since 2012, Nils Cartsburg and his team have been our first point of contact and reliable partner for search engine optimization. With the initial SEO consulting, as well as the concept for the design of our website to the continuous SEO support we are extremely satisfied. Our concerns are always faithfully and promptly implemented, so that our practice is authentically represented and seen in the virtual world, which has enabled our patient acquisition to grow steadily.

Miro Rack 27.09.2019

A year ago, we were looking for an SEO consultant to generate more leads through our website. At the first interview, we discussed the status quo and set the goals. The first results in SEO came quickly and there were significantly more users on our homepage.

In a second step, FirmCatalyst has adapted to our web design so that visitors leave their contact details as well.

I can recommend SEO service to everyone!

Read all reviews on Google

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